Minggu, tanggal 11 Mei 2008 adalah hari ibu di Amerika Serikat ini, Selamat Hari Ibu untuk ibu ibu tercinta di Amerika.

 My beloved Mother, Hardini (1940-1993)
Di Indonesia, hari ibu, jatuh pada tanggal 22 Desember. Hari ibu Indonesia jadi hari yang lebih khusus untukku sejak tahun 1993. Karena pada Hari Ibu tahun 1993 itu ibuku tercinta dipanggil Tuhan. Setelah mengalami sakit yang cukup lama, akhirnya ibuku pulang ke rumah Penciptanya. Dulu aku sedih sekali, tetapi sekarang aku bahagia karena aku tahu ibu juga bahagia dekat Tuhan. Tiap saat aku selalu ingat ibuku dan kangen sekali. Aku sangat bersyukur punya ibu seperti ibuku. Selamat Hari ibu untuk semua ibu tersayang.....kami sayang padamu!
_______________ english version _______________
Sunday, May 11th 2008 is Mother's Day here in the United States. Happy Mother's Day dear all mothers in America! In Indonesia, Mother's Day is on December 22nd. Indonesian mother's day became more special to me in 1993, because on that day in 1993 my mother has passed away. After had a cronical illness for so many years, she finally went Home to meet her Creator on Mother's day. I was very sad but now I am happy because I know that now she is very happy too. I always miss her so much and I always very grateful to have a mother like her. So Happy Mother's Day dear Mothers...we love you so much!!! |
Happy mother's day Xtina.
Hope we could be a better mom day after day.
Me too, miss my mom a lot since we have a "quiet" moment relationship (she got an Alzheimer disease since 4 years ago).
Henny, I am sorry to hear about your Mother's illness. I wish her all the best and I pray for your strength and patience while you taking care of her.
salam kenal jeng Xtina...jadi terharu nih liat poto2 ibumu...
Dirimu tabah.
Salam kenal juga mbak Tiwi, Selamat Hari Ibu untukmu juga ya...eh di Belanda kapan sih hari Ibunya?
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