Aku Pernah beli tempe beku di shoprite beberapa waktu yang lalu..aiih mak rasanya pahit bener!!!...tempenya terdiri dari tiga jenis kacang2an dan beras...mungkin itu yang bikin rasanya pahit dan barangkali karena beku pula. Sedihhh bener susah dapetin tempe di sini. Sebenernya udah sejak tahun 2003 aku ikut group tempe di yahoo, dan aku udah mempelajari benar2 teori pembuatan tempe dari berbagai sumber yang aku temukan di internet, tapi baru kali ini aku akhirnya "punya waktu" (alesan aja..sebenernya ya malessss doang) untuk bikin tempe. Dari sisa kedelai untuk bikin tahu terdahulu aku masih punya 400 gram kacang kedelai...lalu aku pesan ragi tempe di tempeh info, senengnya aku dapet gratis (hanya bayar ongkos kirim doang) karena aku baru pertama kali pesan ragi disitu, tapi sesudah ini gak bisa gratis lagi. Setelah ragi tiba, tiba pulalah waktuku untuk membuat tempe. ______________________english version__________________
A while ago I bought frozen tempeh in shoprite ... oooh it was too bitter for my Indonesian tongue. The frozen tempeh was made of three different beans and rice, probably that is why it was bitter, not to mention that it was frozen too. It was a little bit sad situation for me not to be able to find tempeh here in the USA, since i ate them almost every day when I was still in Indonesia. Although I have joined a group on yahoo that discussing tempeh making matters, and i learned from all kinds of source i could find on the internet about making tempeh, only recently i have time to make my own tempeh ( excuses..excuses...excuses...as always :-)) ) From the previoulsy "making tofu event" i still have about 400 grams raw soy beans. I then ordered a tempeh starter from a web site in Belgium, www.tempeh.info. I was very happy because I got it for free this time, since this is my first order. But after this order I can not get it for free anymore :-((. Then after the tempeh starter arrived, it was time for me to make my first tempeh.
Bahan (ingredients): 1. Kacang kedelai mentah (raw soy beans) 2. Ragi tempe (tempeh starter) 3. thats it :))
Proses pembuatan (the process): 1. Kedelai dicuci bersih, direndam dalam air selama 24 jam. (wash the soy bean thouroughly, soaked in water for 24 hours) 2. Setelah 24 jam dicuci bersih lagi lalu dikuliti dan dibelah (karena kalau kacangnya utuh bisa menghambat proses fermentasi dan kalau kulitnya tertinggal bisa membuat tempe busuk, katanya sumber2 yang kubaca lho...)(after 24 hours, was it again, peeled the skin and split the beans. The source stated that if the beans were still in whole shape it can hold the fermented process too long and if the skin left on the beans it can ruin the beans) 3. Kacang kedelai yang sudah terbelah dan bersih dari kulit direbus dalam air selama 30 menit lalu diangin2kan sampai kering (boil the clean and split beans in water for 30 minutes, rinse and dry them completely) 4. taburi ragi tempe, aduk sampai rata. (pour the tempeh starter and mix evenly) 5. masukkan ke dalam plastik ziplock atau pembungkus yang lain (kalau ada daun pisang boleh...atau daun2 yang lainnya (yang sudah dibersihkan dan gampang dilipat) (put the beans into ziplock bags or other kinds of natural wrap such as banana leaves, grape leaves) 6. Simpan di dalam inkubator (untuk daerah yang udaranya dingin...tapi kalau udaranya hangat simpan ditempat yang teduh (gelap) diamkan selama kurleb 36 jam (if you live in a cold weather area keep it in an incubator but if you live in a warm weather area or during summer time, keep it in a dark place for 36 hours) 7. Periksa deh tempenya...pasti udah jadi! Horeeee (after 36 hours, check your tempeh..it will be ready!)
foto2 pembuatan tempeku (my tempeh making process pictures):
1)kacang kedelai mentah dan ragi tempe (raw soy bean & tempeh starter)

2)Setelah di cuci bersih di rendam di dalam air 24jam (after being washed, soaked in water for 24hours)

3)setelah 24jam di rendam, kedelai dikuliti dan dibelah (after 24hours soaked in water, wash them once again, peeled the skin off the beans and split the beans)

4)lalu di rebus selama 30 menit (boil in water for 30 minutes)

5)diangin2kan supaya kering...kalo enggak kering2 ya di hairdrier aja he he heee (gak sabaran) (rinse and dry completely, I used a hair drier to dry because i was impatient :D)

6)setelah benar2 kering taburi ragi dan aduk sampai tercampur rata (after they were really dry, pour the tempeh starter and mix evenly)

7)masukkan ke dalam plastik pembungkus lalu ditaruh di tempat yang teduh (gelap), kedelaiku tak taroh di dalam oven (put into ziplock bags, keep it in a dark and warm place, i kept mine inside the oven)

8)begini tampangnya setelah 12 jam dan 24 jam (these how they looked like after 12 hours and 24 hours)

9)setelah 36 jam....TEMPEKU CANTIK SEKALI!!!! (after 36 hours..my tempeh is very pretty!!!)
 My beautiful Tempeh!